Q: Is American Academy a licensed / accredited massage therapy school?
A: American Academy is licensed / accredited with Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation. Our TDLR Massage Therapy School license number is MS1100.Q: Where is American Academy located?
A: American Academy is located at 2990 Richmond Avenue - Suite 200 – Houston, Texas 77098Q: How do I get in contact with American Academy?
A: Contact the Student Hotline at 979-215-2637 or Email at contact@aamwschool.comQ: How long does it take to complete the program at American Academy?
A: The 500-hour program which includes only 50 hours of Internship will take 7-8 months.Q: How much is the total cost of tuition?
A: We currently offer very simple pricing. The Tuition cost is $5,500 plus a $200 Application Fee - that's it!Q: Are there other cost or hidden fees other than the tuition I be required to pay?
A: Absolutely Not! There are no additional costs / fees associated with American Academy.Q: What all is included with the tuition cost for $5,500?
A: TDLR Required 500-hour program, curriculum and textbook, shirts, lotion bottle, holster, lotion, table linens, student permit and 5 certifications.Q: Do you provide financial aid / student loans?
A: At this time, we do not offer financial aid / student loans. We do have easy payment plans available.Q: I have a full-time job; do you have classes to accommodate my work schedule?
A: Yes! We have organized our class schedule specifically with you in mind. The options are:Monday & Wednesday 10am - 2pm OR 6pm – 10pm plus 2 Virtual Classes
Tuesday & Thursday 10am – 2pm OR 6pm – 10pm plus 2 Virtual Classes
Q: Why choose American Academy over other massage therapy schools?
A: Here's why you need to check out American Academy before you make your final decision! Our All-Inclusive Tuition Cost of $5,500 is the best in town. Combined with 5 certifications, such as Dynamic Cupping, Hot Stone Therapy, Hemp Infused Massage, Prenatal Massage and CPR/AED you can't go wrong. Only 50 hours of Internship required by TDLR or our tuition price, while other schools require many more hours for their small tuition discounts, plus we will provide and schedule your clients. We will also provide you with resume and interview preparation, plus prep classes for your MBLEX. We've got you covered and will be there by your side from Enrollment to Employment!Q: Does American Academy offer CEU’s
A: We do offer CEU’s for Licensed Massage Therapist to maintain and renew their license, or simply for those desiring to become certified and specialized in specific techniques.